Who are we?
Our experts are all nationally and internationally recognised professionals working in British Sign Language with people who are audiologically and/or culturally deaf. They have shaped policy and practice nationally and across Europe, and continue to work in a variety of domains and geographical areas across the UK.
Get in touch
Every one of our experts can be contacted directly by clicking on their email address to open an email window.
social worker
Suzanne Robinson
Suzanne qualified as a social worker in 1987 and has vast experience of working with both Adults and Children & Families within local authority settings. Since 2003, Suzanne has worked independently and prepared reports for Local Authorities, solicitors and courts including parenting, viability and kinship assessments. Suzanne has given evidence in both Family and High Court. Suzanne is a fluent British sign language user (qualified to interpreter level) and able to assess Deaf people without the need for a BSL/English interpreter. Suzanne has worked numerous times with deaf intermediaries and deaf parenting trainers. She also has extensive experience of undertaking assessments of parents who also have a learning disability using the Sue McGaw PAMS assessment tool and has used this with deaf parents when approrpiate. Between 2006 to 2013 she was an Associate Lecturer (MA social work programme). Suzanne now also runs a CQC registered care agency providing social care services for children and adults who use sign language.
Professional memberships
HCPC - SW58865
NRCPD - 1003515