
Psychiatric services for deaf people

Who are we?

Our experts are all nationally and internationally recognised professionals working in British Sign Language with people who are audiologically and/or culturally deaf. They have shaped policy and practice nationally and across Europe, and continue to work in a variety of domains and geographical areas across the UK.



Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist

Dr Alex Hamilton

Dr Hamilton is based in the East Midlands but will travel nationally and internationally. He is a consultant forensic psychiatrist who specialises in working with Deaf people. Dr Hamilton grew up in a Deaf family and uses BSL fluently. As a trainee he worked in both Broadmoor and Rampton Hospitals, including at the National High Secure Deaf Service and is currently clinical director for medium security at St. Andrew’s Hospital, Northampton, where he is also a consultant forensic psychiatrist in the specialist Deaf service.

Dr Hamilton works with NHS England as part of the Specialised Mental Health Clinical Reference Group, representing specialist Deaf adult mental health services, and is the chair of the NHS England Deaf Mental Health Working Group. Dr Hamilton can provide forensic assessments of mental disorder and treatment needs for Deaf people, medico-legal reports including criminal and family cases, as well as providing support and advice on working with Deaf people with mental health problems.

Professional Memberships

  • General Medical Council Number: 6135174

  • Dr Hamilton is on the specialist register for Forensic Psychiatry

  • Member of the Royal College of Physicians

Additional Information

  • Fluent BSL

